Mission,Values, Community
OUR MISSION: We are a values-driven photography resource. Our purpose is to provide high quality and unique photo art and services to individuals, companies, and organizations. Our goal is simple: To meet your communication needs through visual language.™ 

Our primary specialty areas are instruction, wide-range stock photography, and commercial assignments.


  • Quality—We strive to always meet your communication needs.

  • Respect—We respect your time, budget constraints, and organizational or personal goals.

  • Commitment—To ethics, listening to your needs and wants, and trust-building.

  • Community—We get engaged, involved, and give to communities.
  • Environment--Healthy planet; protect our eco-systems; alternative energy; sustainability.  

  • Diversity—We love interacting with the users of our products and services, and our communities. We highly respect anyone’s religion or non-religion, ethnicity, gender, race, disability or GLBTQ identity.    


We believe it is our patriotic obligation to get involved, stay involved, help and give to our communities. 
We’re in this place called Earth together—the least we can do is help each other out as we navigate through our life journeys.

We have donated time, energy, resources, and/or photography to the following organizations.
            > Clear Spring School of Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
           > Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

           > Abundant Health Wellness Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas  

           > The Volunteer Connection: www.volunteerconnection.net 
     (This non-profit organization does a great job at connecting volunteers with other non-profits that
              need volunteers)

           > Denver Works: www.denverworks.org. This non-profit helps the less fortunate get back on their
              feet by providing employment-related services.

           > Boulder County Circles Campaign. Their mission is to eliminate poverty, one family at a time.           > Various Camera Clubs—Show-and-Tell Slide Presentations and judging of members’ works.

           > Various Retirement and Assisted Living communities in the Boulder/Denver area. I enjoy
              bringing nature to them through my slide shows.  
I want to acknowledge these organizations/individuals who give back to their communities.

**ECHO in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

       **Boulder County Circles Campaign to eliminate poverty: www.bouldercountycircles.org 

      **South Westminster Arts Group (Colorado): www.southwestyartsgroup.com

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CEn memoria de nuestra madre, Beatriz Garza Vega