Commercial Photos

Lake House Patio
Dining Room
Malco Theatre_Magic Show
The Brown Palace, Denver, CO
Chamber of Commerce Lobby
Delicious Cheese Burger
Luxury Motor Coach
Lake Home Kitchen
Denver Art Museum
Hotel Stairway
Premium Hotel Room
Spa Tub & View
Jacuzzi Room
Oaklawn Horse Racing
Broadmoore Hotel, Colorado
Downtown Eureka Springs
Arlington Hotel Christmas Lobby
Water Closet
V E G A P H O T O A R T @ G M A I L . C O M 
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P H O T O   A R T I S T ™
All images Property of © EliVega
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Meeting your communication needs through visual language™

Before I accept any commercial assignment, or fill a request for my images, my first objective is to understand your needs.  
Only by doing so will I be able to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to meet your needs and we can discuss all possible 
options. I offer free project cost assessments. Please visit my website extension to see additional commissioned work.
I can meet your wall decor needs for your properties. Visit my stock photography page for a list of wall decor themes and subjects.