Cultural Photos by life Photographer Eli Vega

Tower Of Compassion
Anasazi Leaning Ladder, Bandelier, New Mexico
Cara En Sueño
Heroes of The Alamo
Chiles y Papas
La Luz De Concepcion
La Acordión
Horno Y Ristras
Tepees at Sunset, Anadarko, Oklahoma
Pindall Pickup, Arkansas
Boy With Tuba, New Orleans
Adobe and Blue Door
Great Stupa Offerings
Intuitive Creative
New Orleans Pantomime
Oklahoma Indian Exposition
Chimney Rock_Nebraska
V E G A P H O T O A R T @ G M A I L . C O M 
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    Potpourri                 Landscapes and Nature                  People
Culture--The characteristics of a certain group of people. By that definition, everything around us represents culture. As a photo 
artist, I am attracted to the color, uniqueness, intrigue, mystery, dance, art, and choices made by individuals and institutions in 
various cultures. My photographic goal is to create art from all cultural aspects in our society.